Election Resources
Michigan Voting Dashboard
This data dashboard gives you a snapshot of aggregated Michigan voting data and lets you explore the details of your community, updated daily during active elections.
Upcoming Election Inspector Training
Click here for more information.
Voter Registration
You can check your voter registration and/or register to vote in
Michigan through the Secretary of State’s office.
The State
of Michigan provides voter information where voters can check
their registration, polling location, and view upcoming issues
and candidates that may be on their ballot. Click
to locate this information.
There are three precincts in the City of Hancock on Election Day, click here to view a map showing the precinct boundaries.
Voting Location for ALL City of Hancock Precincts:
Lakeview Manor - 1401 W. Quincy St.
On Election Day, polls are open from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm.
Voting Absentee
You do not have to provide a reason to vote with an absent voter ballot. Registered voters can obtain an application by calling the clerk’s office at 906-482-2720. Click here to find applications, and track your absent voter ballot online.
The application must be sent to the City Clerk where you are registered for processing.
Permanent Absentee Application List
Voters registered in the City of Hancock can add their names to the permanent ballot list by completing an Absentee Voter Ballot Application and selecting the option to "Automatically send me an absent voter ballot for each future election for which I'm eligible." Or apply on-line at https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/ or simply send an email to city@cityofhancock.com and include your name and address.
If a voter chooses to be placed on the Permanent Ballot List,
the voter is responsible to let the clerk know at least 45 days
prior to the election if they need the ballot sent to a
different address as the Post Office will NOT forward ballots.
Early Voting
State law requires nine (9) days of early voting for Federal and
State elections which includes two weekends. Starting in 2024,
whenever there is a Federal or State election there will be an
early voting site in Houghton County open for 9 days prior to
Election Day. The site will be open for eight (8) hours (8:00 am
until 4:00 pm) each day (including the two weekends prior to
Election Day). Voters can cast their ballot in the tabulator
just like on Election Day. Once you put your ballot through the
tabulator, you cannot revote if your candidate withdraws or is
removed from the ballot for any reason.
The Early Voting
Site for all 2024 elections in Houghton County will be at:
Houghton City Center, 616 Shelden Avenue, Room 203, Houghton.
The site is accessible with an elevator.
Canvassing of
the votes made at the Houghton County Early Voting Site will
begin at 8:00 p.m. at the Early Voting Site, 616 Shelden Avenue,
Room 203, Houghton, MI 49931.
Election Inspector Application
Registered voters in Michigan interested in serving as Election Inspectors can fill out an application and submit it to the City Clerk. Inspectors will be trained by the County Clerk prior to every even-year election cycle. Applications are available from the City Clerk or on the State Voter Information Center website.
If you have any questions about voter registration or elections, please contact:
Linda Kalinec, Clerk/Treasurer