Portage Lake Lift Bridge Info (NEW,June 26th.)


Portage Lake Lift Bridge Info (NEW,June 26th.)

As MDOT releases information, we'll try to update it on this pictorial, as we receive and process it. For MDOT information, check the following links .... SPECIAL NOTE: Persons wishing to walk across the Portage Lake Lift Bridge during this construction period, should be aware that pedestrian traffic may be closed on one side or the other, or, may not be permitted at all during certain periods. For a still/motion view of the Bridge, click on: http://www.mtu.edu/webcams/fund/motion.html MDOT on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MDOT_UP MDOT on Facebook: www.facebook.com/MichiganDOT MDOT Drive: www.michigan.gov/drive MDOT-Lift Bridge: http://www.michigan.gov/mdot/0,4616,7-151-9621_11008-325131--,00.html Regular Updates will also be given on 1610 KHz. on your AM Radio Dial.

New baby Falcons at Portage Lake Lift Bridge.