Finland's President Visits Hancock - 2003


Finland's President Visits Hancock - 2003

Billed as a personal visit,rather than a formal State vist, the Republic of Finland’s first woman President (& the 11th in their history) , traveled to the U.S. to participate in Suomi Colleges 2003 Commencement.

The Honorable Tarja Halonen, arrived in Hancock Sunday morning, April 27th , 2003, for the beginning of a two day visit. The only other time a Finish President visited the area was Pres. Kekkonen on August 1, 1976. While her primary agenda was to attend and deliver Finlandia University�s Commencement address, she also made other appearances in the area, under tight security.  As President Halonen entered the Paavo Nurmi Center, a packed crowd took photos for scrapbooks..